Avoid These Mistakes to Learn Japanese Quickly

Avoid These Mistakes to Learn Japanese Quickly

When you are learning a new language, you are bound to make mistakes. While some errors are useful as they further your learning, others can make you struggle in coming up the learning curve. The best way to avoid that is to acknowledge these errors and work on them.

So if you are taking a Japanese Language Course, then here are the most common mistakes that you may be making right now. Follow these tips to avoid them and sound more like a native!

Not using the right resources

One of the biggest and most common mistakes you make when learning Japanese is not using the right resources. For example, starting with a textbook that is purely Romaji will prevent you from learning the hiragana, katakana, and Kanji in the early stages of your learning. Besides, you will also depend on Romaji more as you are more comfortable with it. Therefore, you should choose your resources carefully and work towards strengthening your basics first.

Not getting into it with the right mindset

As is with all foreign languages, Japanese too would take a bit of work. But rather than fearing the effort, you should be excited to undertake the journey. It should be mentally stimulating in a way that it doesn’t appear like a chore. This is only possible if you approach learning with a proper mindset. Just make it a part of your routine such as listen to Japanese songs, watch a Japanese language movie, talk to natives to practice the language, read etc. You need to enjoy the learning process to do justice to it.

Not studying the Japanese culture

The Japanese language is deeply rooted in its culture and tradition. It is practically impossible to ignore their way of life and still learn the language. You cannot have one without the other! They have a particular way of politeness that is integrated into their language, knowing when and where to apply these rules will help you speak the language like a local.

Only depending on books and videos

Learning Japanese only through books is an effort in vain. If you want to master the language, you would need to diligently practice the language using other resources such as speaking with the natives, interacting with the locals, and incorporating the language in different ways to learn it accurately.

Not focusing on speaking

Many students start obsessing over getting the Kanji right. While writing Japanese accurately is essential, so is speaking! It is part of the communication process that you cannot ignore. Kanji is a complex web of over 2000 characters! So don’t lose sleep over perfecting Kanji first. Learn how to speak and then gradually work your way up.

Now that you are aware of the common mistakes make sure you avoid these when you are learning the language to make the most of your lessons.

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