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Seasonal Festival in Japan – Tango No Sekku

This time, I want to share information on one of the Japanese events in May.


If you are a passionate Japanese Language learner, do not stop at learning the Japanese language alone, look for insights into the Japanese culture, Japanese history and much more, which are intertwined with Japanese language learning.


In Japan, Tango no Sekku is a seasonal event conducted usually on the 5th of May with traditions that celebrate the healthy growth and well-beings of boys. It was celebration that is said to have originated from China and has been celebrated from Nara era.


We display Kabuto and Koinobori in the house around the 5th of May. Kabuto is something that is believed to protect us. So, we believe that Kabuto keeps sickness and accidents away from boys. Carp of Koinobori symbolizes strong vitality. So, we wish for a successful life for boys and pray that they can get through the difficult times. We decorate the outside of our homes with these. Koinobori consists of 3 carps; the biggest carp is black, second largest carp is red and the smallest carp is blue.


Not just these, we also eat Kashiwa mochi, a type of rice cake wrapped with oak leaves and Chimaki, a kind of rice dumpling which is wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of eating Chimaki comes from China and the tradition of eating Kashiwa mochi is said to have originated from Japan.


While this article was about “Tango no Sekku”, we also have an event to celebrate happiness of girls.


In India, do you have an event something like Tango no Sekku? Comment below!



  1. The third biggest carp of Koinobori is black color. True or False.
  2. What is the color of middle carp of Koinobori?
  3. Explain the reason Japanese display Kabuto on May 5th.

Answers will be published in the blog – “0”

You can read the blog on “0” here in this link :


Answer to the blog – “0”

  1. “rei”
  2. True

“rei” means “slight” and the chance of precipitation is 0% points out the chance of

precipitation is less than 5%.


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