Music & Language!

Music & Language!

Beats, Rhythm & Melody have a deep impact on our lives. You may have noticed that a certain song, a tune or even the lyrics evoke strong emotions in us. Some remind us of joyous memories, some perhaps not. In all, they do stir our emotions. And if not memories, Music also can alter our mood.

Such is the power of the language of music.

Have you noticed? Irrespective of whether we know the language or not… when we repetitively listen to the song, we subconsciously end up learning the lyrics! What a fun way to learn languages! Isn’t it?

At Sakuraa Nihongo Resource Centre we always find ways and means to make learning the Japanese Language fun and effective! We have choir practice sessions where we practice songs starting from children’s songs to jingles to title tracks & easy J Pop songs – a wide range to learn! Come join us for our singing sessions even if you don’t know the Japanese Language! Learn Japanese songs and maybe also end up learning Japanese phrases and words in the process!

We also have new Japanese Language courses starting soon for beginners and advanced language learners!

Contact us at : 080 2346 4677 /

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