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0 in Japanese!

We have been getting more rain these days. This time, I’m going to talk about number related to weather.

Can you guess how to read “0” in Japanese?

While learning Japanese language, you would have learnt the numbers in Japanese. But, have stopped and wondered, where and how the different readings of the numbers are used? At Sakuraa Nihongo Resource centre, we emphasize on understanding the nuances of the language, in our Japanese language classes. Here is how “0” is used.


“0” has two ways of reading, in the Japanese language – “zero” and “rei”.


Which do you think, will be the appropriate way of saying it – “zero” or “rei” when people talk about “the chance of precipitation being 0 %”? Let’s find the answer from the conversation between A and B.

A: “Did you check the weather forecast this morning?”

B: “Yes, it said that the chance of precipitation is zero%.”

A: “Uhhh. We say the chance of precipitation is rei %.”

B: “Why? Zero and rei are the same…”

A: “When weather forecasts talk about the chance of precipitation, we read it rei %. “Zero” means “nothing” while “rei” gives the meaning of “slight”.

B: “I see. I didn’t know the difference. According to this meaning of “rei”, does it mean that we have chance of rain even weather forecasts say the chance of precipitation is rei%?”

A: “That’s right. The chance of precipitation being 0% means the chance of precipitation is less than 5%. So, there is a possibility of rain even when weather forecasts say the chance of precipitation is rei%.”

B: “I see. Thank you for letting me know.”

It’s confusing because a number has two way of reading and a slightly different meaning depending on the reading.. If you have chances to check Japanese weather forecast, please listen carefully.


  1. Answer how to read “the chance of precipitation is 0%” in Japanese.
  2. There is a possibility to rain even the weather forecasts say the chance of precipitation is 0%. True of False


Comment your answer below!

Answers will be published in the blog – Tango no Sekku

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