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英語の勉強 楽しい :-D 易しい :-) 面白い! ;-) 一緒にインドのカルチャ体験 サリードレープ ランゴリ メヘンデイ インドの名所の説明(ppt) ヨガー導入 Please inform to our Japanese friends Thanks , SNRC team
Why should I learn a language? Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is…
Common Japanese Words EnglishJapanese Japanese thank youarigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます want to buy~ ~wo kaitai 〜を かいたい want to see~ ~wo mitai 〜を みたい sorry gomen nasai ごめん なさい good morning ohayougozaimasu おはようございます good…
Common Japanese Words EnglishJapanese Japanese Me, I watashi わたし Me, I (for males boku ぼく Yes hai はい No iie いいえ What nani なに Name namae なまえ Nice to meet…
Japanese Conversation in Emergency situations. keisatsu wo yonde kudasai! Call the police! kyuukyuusha wo yonde kudasai! Call an ambulance! taishikan ni renraku shitai desu I want to contact the embassy…
Some basic Japanese words which will help us to communicate with Japanese taxi driver. kuukou kudasai Take me to the airport please Miyako Hoteru kudasai To the Miyako Hotel, please…
sumimasen, chikatetsu wa doko desu kaExcuse me, where is the subway/underground? eki wa doko desu kaWhere is the train station? aiteiru heya wa arimasu kaDo you have any vacancies? kore…
SNRC is starting a new batch for JLPT N5 N4 and N3 from March 19th 2011, for more information please call us at 080-42628200 or mail us at
Donoyouni? How? Nani? What? Naze? Why? Itsu? When? Doko? Where? Dare? Who? Dore? Which?